Parking Policy on the Association Grounds
1. Members and visitors are reminded that the maximum speed on the Associations grounds is 10km per hour.
2. Members and visitors are to park their vehicles in the designated areas, with courtesy and respect shown to other members and visitors.
3. Members and visitors are not permitted to park in Loading/Unloading Zones unless actively loading or unloading with appropriate haste.
4. Members and visitors are not permitted to park in Restricted Mobility Access areas, unless holding an appropriate valid permit, which must be correctly displayed.
5. Members and visitors are not permitted to remain double parked, following unloading of their vehicle.
6. Members and visitors, towing a trailer, are to unhitch their trailer and position it in a standard parking arrangement, and to park their car away from this area, or they are required to park the car and trailer in a suitable area where it will not impede on other vehicles.
7. Unauthorised vehicles are not permitted on the Main Arena, Lower Arena, under the pavillion or on the main pathway.
8. Members and visitors are reminded not to leave valuables in their vehicles.
9. Members and visitors are reminded not to leave unattended dogs in their vehicles without adequate ventilation ((and water) especially on hot days.
Dogs West advised 22/08/11