Promoting responsible
dog ownership

How to Become an Affiliated Club

There are distinct activities undertaken by dog clubs. These are Showing (Conformation), Obedience, Agility, Herding, Tracking, Retrieving, Field Trialing, Dances With Dogs and Endurance. A club may be formed to participate in any or all of the activities.

The minimum membership required before affiliation will be considered is :

Metropolitan Clubs - Showing:

  • 15 members for Single Variety Breed Clubs

  • 15 members for Single Breed Clubs

  • 40 members for Multi Breed Clubs

  • 75 members for Group Club

  • 150 members for All breeds Club

For all other disciplines there are no specific number. The Association's Governing Council will consider each application on its merits.

Country Clubs require no specific number - the Association's Governing Council will consider each application on its merits.

Prior to any application for affiliation a club should be formed on unofficial lines, office bearers appointed, the aims and objects of the club decided, a constitution produced and a program of Members' Competitions determined.  Once this has been done and the club has been operating for at least 12 months, an application to become an affiliate of the Association may be submitted, in writing to the Associations' Chief Executive Officer.

The application should be made in accordance with CAWA Regulations Section A, and must include the following:

  1. The name of the Club.

  2. The aims of the club

  3. The Affiliation Fee: See  [ Article JFKIT6H5HN86DCGWAFNOJN5TK6NMSM not found.]

  4. Formal acceptance of the CAWA Basic Constitution for Affiliated Clubs, submitted as detailed, together with the Domestic Rules.

  5. A complete list of the names and addresses of all financial members of the club, and the name and registration number of one registered dog owned or part owned by the member.

  6. A statement of the office bearers' positions and number of places on the committee.

  7. The names, and CAWA membership numbers of the office bearers and members of the committee.

  8. A statement of the club's financial affairs.

  9. A list of club activities held during the past 12 months.

  10. An undertaking, in writing signed by the President and Secretary, that the club will annually thereafter immediately following the Annual General meeting of the club furnish to the Association a certified copy of the club's Balance Sheet for the preceeding year, a copy of any reports of the clubs activities, current financial membership and names and addresses of current elected office beareres and committee members and any other information requested.

A period of probation applies for one year from the date of original application.  Following this period, clubs which consider they are sufficiently experience to run sanctioned events should request, in writing, for their application to processed. The request for full affiliation should be in accordance with CAWA Regulations Section A.

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