Promoting responsible
dog ownership

Dogs West Fee Changes 2024

From 1 July our fees are changing. We have answered some common questions about the fee changes below.


Why are Dogs West’s fees changing?

Each year we review our fees to make sure we can continue to serve our member’s needs.

For the Association’s long-term sustainability, it is important it remain cost-neutral at a minimum. Increases to costs such as services and utilities, wage price index rates and inflation have significantly impacted Dogs West operating budget in recent years.

Puppy registrations and transfers have also fallen by over 10%, resulting in $65,000 less income than expected in the 2023/2024. This is a national trend significantly impacting all State Member Bodies in Australia.


How was the fee change calculated?

We use the previous years’ actual income and expenditure and forecast future costs (including any known increases) to estimate the costs that need to be met in the coming year.


Why not use Dogs West reserve funds?

Utilising Dogs West’s reserves for everyday operational costs is not a responsible strategy long-term. The funds from the sale of the land are both serving as a temporary source of income and is being reserved for capital works required over the next 10-15 years.


Keeping costs down and growing income.

While fees are changing, there are a number of other ways Dogs West is working to improve outcomes.

  1. Contract renewal negotiations
  2. Reduction of printing and postage via digital projects.
    1. Website – online forms and bookings
    2. Digital membership cards
  3. Finding new streams of income
    1. Product research
    2. Sponsorship packages
    3. Hire of facilities

Our priority is to remain relevant as a peak body in Western Australia as well as a sustainable, member focused organisation.


You can view the 2024 Fees List online here.

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